
I came across a blog called Mrs.O dedicated to following the fashion of Mrs. O (AKA Michelle Obama). The site is open to comments, pics, tips, and photos for the style icon Mrs. O! I see her style as daring, funky, and different! Shes the first lady yet shes not shy to come out in anything she likes! Clearly, its all about taste to her and how to wear IT, cuz I dont see her spending tons of money on clothes and accessories (and what comes along with all of it)!

She would wear clothes from J.Crew and Banana Republic


And funky pumas too!!

Michelle in PUMA 917's

Oh and she sports her ultra violet neon plasteramic Toy Watch too…


and have you noticed her clear belt above? She seems to like that too??!

Clear Belt
Some are in love with her style.. others hate it! Shes not trying to hard to impress the media and everyone else, or is she?

What do you think?

You can check Mrs.O blog by clicking here! You can also see links on the blog for twitter, facebook, flickr, and RSS!

18 responses to “Mrs.O

  1. That looks gaudy, dont praise her just because she is the presidents wife…

    • I said its daring, funky, and different! I did not praise her! I dont wanna say my opinion! Lets hear it from other comments 😉

  2. She’s no Queen Rania. She has her own style, which is very elegant, cool, colorful, and fun. She can wear a very simple & not very expensive clothes, yet she’ll look stunning.
    It’s a Carisma.

    I personally like it.

  3. I like some of the clothes she wears, but some I don’t think it becomes her or her age and position. All in all I think they are making too much hype about her style which isn’t that WOW!
    I think Laura Bush had a much refined taste 😉

  4. I like her a lot. I think she dresses like a normal average person. She doesn’t look like she hired a fashion consultant like the rest did. Her looks portray her as a mother, wife, sophisticated and also portray a bit of her African heritage and passion for colors yet she looks elegant and simple.

    It’s not something I or you would personally go for but she looks nice and it’s her charisma like ht eothers said.

    • You made me think of other words to describe her style! Playful… energetic, and colorful!

  5. I love how her style varies, and daring as you put it! It makes up relate to her more, which is good I guess 😛

  6. Hey, if she can pull it off then more power too her.

  7. I think Hillary Clinton is more beautiful then her.

  8. i likey that belt!

  9. i’m not a fan of her style, sometimes she wears things that suit her, and then many times she does the opposite… i think her style should be a bit more refined and elegant, to match both her age and position.. i mean.. there’s no shame in hiring a stylist..

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